We are excited to share good reports from ladies that hosted and attended WOW! with Friends last month. In February, Ps Lynette shared her testimony and journey with the Holy Spirit as a Comforter and many ladies were encouraged to walk with the Holy Spirit to live a sanctified life that is holy and pleasing to God.

A craft activity was introduced at the end of the session and the ladies were blessed by how God is able to speak to them through paper collaging. They were empowered to also share their stories of breakthroughs and testify of the goodness of God. It was indeed a powerful and edifying time!
"I made a friend through WOW! With Friends and she reached out and invited me for tea after the event. I was touched and appreciated the goodness and love in her. The authentic sharing brings comfort and strengthens me and the activity was instrumental to get to know others." - Dolly
"I appreciate Ps Lynette's sharing and her vulnerability. It makes us feel understood. The craft work was awesome! It breaks the ice with the small group and help us to solidify what God has already placed in our hearts. I find it a good session for women, a safe space to connect and fellowship." - Patricia

In the month of March and April, Ps Daphne shares her heart on Psalm 84. This psalm expresses a beautiful imagery of God’s redeeming love and brings encouragement to believers to remember that it is in His presence, we are able to find safety and security in the midst of life’s difficulties. Start your witnessing journey today!
Be a Host, gather your friends for a time fellowship, building & encouragement. If you have yet to register to access our WOW! With Friends resources
Registration is still open - it’s free-of-charge
We would love to stay connected and to keep you and your small group in prayer,
so do let us know where and when you will be hosting WOW! with Friends.
Let us be inspired, equipped and empowered to become effective witnesses for Jesus! For more information, email us at info@wow-witness.org