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Day 6: The boldness to share your faith

“Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went.”

Acts 8:4

There’s that uncle again, standing outside our residence taking a smoke. I ran past him umpteen times during my evening runs but I’ve never spoken to him. I prayed earlier, “Lord, light the fire of evangelism in me again!” And there was my opportunity but, not knowing what to say, I missed it again. I said to the Lord, “The next time I run past him I will stop and talk to him.”

Soon, the opportunity came again. I saw him from afar and was praying silently and repeatedly, “What do I say to him, Lord?” And a voice said, “Just be a friend.” And so that’s what I did. I stopped, made small talks with him and after a few moments, he asked me, “Are you a missionary?” I was surprised, “Where did that come from?” I thought, I had not given him any clue that I was a Christian. But that question got us talking in the direction of spiritual matters.

We stood by the roadside for over an hour, and I told him my testimonies, debunked myths and even prayed for him. We exchanged numbers, spoke more subsequently and became friends.

Evangelism is about taking the first step to start a conversation. Then the Holy Spirit will empower you to do the rest. - By SC


Father, grant me the boldness to share Your goodness and love. Help me to be a light to those who have yet to know You.

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